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Radley CofE Primary School

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Have a look at our prospectus to find out what we are all about, here at Radley!

Radley CE Primary School Prospectus

​We currently have a few spaces across our lovely school.  If you are interested in feeling how special our school is in person and if it is right for your family, then please get in touch and arrange a time to come and look around, meet the children and staff, and ask any questions you might have.  Our Headteacher Mrs Thomas would love to show you around!

As a Voluntarily Controlled school, all admissions are via Oxfordshire County Council.  For in Year admissions use this link: Changing or moving school | Oxfordshire County Council

At Radley CE Primary School children begin school in the September after their 4th birthday. Parents of children born between 01/09/2020 and 31/08/2021 must make an application for their child to start in Reception in September 2025. The Local Authority is responsible for allocating the places. 

As a Voluntarily Controlled school, all admissions are via Oxfordshire County Council. Parents can apply online at  www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions  (by 15th January 2025) to start in September 2025.  The Offer Day is 16th April 2024.

The deadline for accepting or declining school places, and deadline for receipt of late application forms, continued interest forms and changes of preference is 30th April 2025.

Our current admission number is 30 pupils. Our over-subscription criteria is here 

Admission Arrangements 
Parents of children starting school are invited to an induction meeting with the Headteacher and the class teacher the term before their child starts.

Our Catchment Area

The Foundation Stage Unit is the Nursery Class & Reception Class together. The 3 years of funded early education entitlement in the Foundation Stage are known as:
R         The year children become 5                      (Windrush)
N2       The year children become 4                      (Nursery)
N1       The year children become 3                      (Nursery)
Year – refers to the academic year (September to August)

Funding entitlement starts from the long term after the child’s 3rd birthday. 
It is not possible for parents to split funding between an LA and private provider; nor is it possible to direct the funding wholly towards the private provider (including a childminder) whilst taking up a place in Radley Foundation Stage Unit. 

Many parents ask our advice about what they should be doing prior to their child starting school and the following document contains some suggested activities:

My Child is Starting School