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Radley CofE Primary School

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Our Governance 

Here you can find out about the role of governors, how the governing body works, and who the governors at Radley C of E Primary School are.

The governing body at Radley C of E Primary School works together to provide independent oversight of the management and operation of the school, with the aim of improving the quality of education provided and raising standards.

We support the Headteacher and her staff to ensure that all aspects of the school continue to improve.

Clare Sandford and Siobhan Shields Co-Chairs of Governors, can be contacted via email to the school office:office@radleyprimary.uk

Co-Chairs/Co-opted Governor

Clare Sandford and Siobhan Shields

Deputy Chair/LA Governor

Jillian Ashton (Chair of Resources Committee)

Staff Governors

Claire Thomas/Headteacher 
Mark Wolstenholme/Teacher

Foundation Appointments

Rev Rob Glenny
Diana Moule​                     

Parent Governors

​Catharine Blagrove
Anam Yusef 

Co-opted Governors

Hannah Brierley (Chair of Special Projects Committee)
Dan Pullen (Safeguarding Lead Governor)
Clare Sandford 
Siobhan Shields

Associate Governor

Jess Peiro/Deputy Headteacher

Please see below for more information:

Governing Body membership 24/25

Register of business interests and governor attendance

Schools are required to publish a register of governor business interests and attendance at full governing body meetings and committee meetings.

Register of interests 2024Governor attendance 23/24

​​What is the role of the school governors?

Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of the school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. We enable Radley C of E Primary School to run as effectively as possible, working alongside the senior leaders to provide excellent education to children.
The governing body has three core functions:

      • Setting the strategic direction of the school
      • Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
      • Overseeing the financial performance of the school.

At Radley C of E Primary School, governors play an active role in school life. We champion ambition and high educational standards, and work in strategic partnership with the headteacher and staff to ensure our school continues to improve. As a corporate body, we have a legal responsibility for the school.

      Our work includes: setting the aims and objectives for the school; setting the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives; monitoring progress towards the aims and objectives and being a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (also known as a ‘critical friend’).
      The headteacher, Mrs Thomas, is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body.
      Governors make regular visits to the school - sometimes during lesson times so we can observe what happens in the classroom and have the opportunity to speak to some of the children. We also visit individual members of staff to ask about plans, progress and procedures (there is a fortnightly meeting with the headteacher).
      Each governor has an area of special interest (e.g. Maths, health and safety, SEN, finance) which they monitor and report on to the governing body. Governors also visit the school to conduct the headteacher’s appraisal (with the support of an external adviser) and to oversee the running of the Key Stage 2 SATS. 

The structure of our governing body 

      At Radley C of E Primary School, the governing body has representatives from parents, teaching staff, the Local Authority, the community and the Diocese 
      The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets twice per term (six times per year). Copies of the minutes of FGB meetings are available from the school office.
      Governors are also members of at least one committee, who meet several times per year outside of FGB meetings. These committees are: resources, curriculum and special projects.

Resources Committee 


      To approve and monitor the school’s budget and make recommendations to the FGB. To advise the FGB on health, safety and wellbeing. To review the school’s staffing structure, staff pay,  and training strategy. To review maintenance and development of the school’s premises.


      Jillian Ashton (chair), Claire Thomas, Dan Pullen, Siobhan Shields

Curriculum Committee


      To review data, reports and recommendations in relation to pupil progress, attainment and quality of education.


      Catharine Blagrove, Diana Moule, Jess Peiro, Clare Sandford, Mark Wolstenholme.

Special Projects committee 


      To focus on time-limited projects as directed by the FGB. Examples of projects include the school extension, marketing and communications plans and strategic partnerships.


      Hannah Brierley (chair), Dan Pullen, Claire Thomas, Catharine Blagrove, Anam Yusef

Update from the School Governors 7th May 2024Governor Election Result Letter 29th April 2024 Parent Governor Vacancy Letter March 2024Nomination Form Parent Governors March 2024 Full Governing Body Membership and Roles 2023 2024 Parent Governor Vacancy Letter September 2023Nomination Form Parent Governors September 2023

Financial benchmarking

Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings are available upon request, from the School Off