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Radley CofE Primary School

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At Radley CE Primary School, the humanities curriculum encompasses history and geography. These subjects give children a knowledge of the world and an understanding of their place in it. In geography, children learn about the physical features of the earth, and the relationships between people and their environments. In history, children develop their knowledge of people who lived in the past, both in Britain and the wider world; this helps them to make sense of the present.

The humanities curriculum is knowledge-based: through their work in history and geography, children become well-informed and gain insights into places, people, chronology and events. Children learn to appreciate their own and others’ cultures, and to value diversity in their own community, in Britain and across the world. In this way, the humanities curriculum encourages children to grow up as global citizens who embody the values of respect and tolerance.

History and geography skills are developed throughout the school. They are transferrable across the curriculum and valuable to children in their future education and adult lives. Humanities promotes children’s curiosity and eagerness to learn more. They ask questions and investigate, becoming self-motivated and independent learners. In history, critical thinking skills are developed when children analyse evidence. In geography fieldwork investigations, children observe, record and reflect on their findings.

At Radley Primary, the humanities curriculum is enriched through trips, visits and additional experiences. These add a memorable and hands-on aspect to the curriculum. Opportunities to learn from our locality are used where relevant, to give children an understanding of their own heritage and what makes our local area unique and special.
Through our humanities curriculum we therefore intend to develop children as curious, open-minded, reflective members of society.


Humanities is taught at Radley Primary through a two-year rolling programme of geography and history units, based on Cornerstones Curriculum Maestro. History and geography units provide the basis for cross-curricular topics, which encompass several different curriculum subjects. They are designed to ensure that previous knowledge and skills are built on and developed as children move up through the school.

Discrete lessons in geography and history give children the knowledge, skills and understanding required by the National Curriculum. In addition, focus days and blocked lessons give children the opportunity to learn about a subject in more depth, carry out an investigation or gain active, immersive experiences. Trips, visitors to school and practical activities enrich the curriculum.

Cornerstones Curriculum forms the basis for teaching many of the history and geography units. Other units have been developed to meet the specific needs of the school. Units are designed to ensure that previous knowledge and skills are built on and developed as children move up through the school.

In Key Stage 1, children learn about their own locality, and about changes within living memory. They also make comparisons with places that are further away and find out about key events and people from the more distant past. In Key Stage 2, children build on this learning. They gain a deeper geographical understanding, investigating larger regions and developing their mapping skills. In history lessons, children study a wider range of time periods and learn about the history of different countries and cultures. Children develop their knowledge of subject-specific vocabulary in order to be able to communicate their learning.

Due to the transition from two-year rolling to a single year programme, it is not possible for children to study history topics in chronological order. Children are supported to develop their understanding of chronology and change over time through the use of time lines, by making comparisons between time periods, and by learning about the historical context before and after the history topic that they are studying.


​By the time children leave Radley CE Primary School they will:

  • Have a good knowledge of, and be able to compare, places, events and time periods
  • Recognise links between people, places and time periods and understand how they are interconnected
  • Value their own and others’ cultures
  • Be curious, ask questions and seek answers through historical research and geographical fieldwork enquiries
  • Analyse and evaluate evidence, reach conclusions and put forward a reasoned argument.
  • Make a positive contribution to society, as informed, reflective, tolerant global citizens.

​Children’s work in their history and geography books, classroom displays and photographs provide evidence of their learning. By making progress in history and geography, children become knowledgeable and curious members of society, who are able to investigate questions, evaluate evidence and value diversity.