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Radley CofE Primary School

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Every other year, our Year 5 and 6 pupils embark on a five-day, four-night adventure to Kilvrough Manor in Wales. This residential trip is designed to foster independence, resilience, and a spirit of exploration, as our pupils engage in a variety of exciting activities such as climbing, caving, canoeing, and bodyboarding.

Our Christian values of Resilience, Respect, and Relationships are at the heart of this experience. Through challenging outdoor pursuits and shared moments of discovery, our pupils learn to overcome obstacles, appreciate the natural world, and strengthen the bonds of community that are so integral to our school.

Developing Well-Rounded Individuals

By providing our pupils with opportunities to step outside their comfort zones and engage in new experiences, we aim to nurture their personal growth and equip them with the skills and mindset to thrive in all aspects of life.

The Kilvrough Manor residential trip is just one example ofhow we strive to fulfil our school's vision of "life in all its fullness." Through these enriching experiences, our pupils develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their capabilities, and their place within the world around them.